This Sunday Dr David Mackereth from Kidderminster will be preaching from chapter three of the…

Sunday Service – 26th January 10.30am
This Sunday our preacher will be Wayne O’Leary, Pastor at Wyche Evangelical Church.
“How would you describe the world?” Psalm 36 describes our world, pretty much the same way we could describe it today.
Considering how old the Bible is, it is amazing how relevant it is to today’s issues. In Bible times people worried about getting old, how their children would turn out and their security in their homeland. Such worries and many other problems remain as part of life in our world.
But we are not alone! The Bible tells us that God is involved in our world, and always for the better.
Psalm 36 tells us some important things about life, even life in the 21st century!
Come and join us if you can.
Refreshments will be served after the service so we hope you will be able to stay a while to chat with us.